Scout Code of Conduct

All Scouts are expected to conform to the Reasonable Expectations of Conduct within the troop.  These expectations include, but are not limited to:

- Attending Scout functions in the proper troop uniform, unless directed that they may dress otherwise.

- Active participation in core activities, such as hikes, overnight campouts, parades, flag ceremonies, troop fundraisers and community service activities.  

- Not currently delinquent beyond one month in any dues, fees or other monies owed the troop as determined by the Treasurer and Committee Chairman.

- Not currently in violation of troop policies as regards the use and return in good condition of any Troop equipment.

- Not engaging in conduct that constitutes harassment, bullying, hazing or discrimination in any way, including discrimination based on race, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, economic status and national origin. 

- Proper conduct is expected at all Scouting and non-scouting activities in accordance with the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Outdoor Code and these policies.  Remember, these pledges are to guide the Scout for life, not just as Scouting events.  

Adults that take part in troop activities, whether or not they are registered leaders, are expected to conform to the Code of Conduct for Leaders and Adults annexed hereto.

Please click here for a PDF copy of the Code of Conduct

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Leader / Parent / Adult Code Of Conduct

The Troop committee has established this Code of Conduct to provide parents and adult leaders of Troop 75 with a framework of expectations for Adult Scout Leaders and adults who may attend Scouting events. This Code of Conduct will help ensure a common language and understanding of behavioral expectations, and consequences, allowing the Troop to create an atmosphere conducive to fun, safety, and the values of Scouting. 

All Leaders / Adults of Troop 75 represent the Troop, Kings Park VFW (our chartered organization), and the Boy Scouts of America when they elect to participate in activities of Scouting and must abide by this Code of Conduct as a condition of his or her participation in Troop activities. Ultimately, the Committee wants each Leader/Adult to be responsible for his or her own behavior, and only when necessary will the committee take action under this Code of Conduct. 

Please click here for a PDF copy of the Code of Conduct

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Zero Tolerance Drug, Alcohol and Nicotine Products Policy

The Troop has a zero tolerance policy concerning drug and alcohol use by the Scouts, including all tobacco and nicotine products (tobacco, vaping and e-cigs).  The policy applies to all recreational drugs use whether legal or illegal.  Any Scout that uses drugs, nicotine products, or alcohol at any meeting, scouting event or troop event shall be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion from the Troop.  Any Scout that attends any meeting, scouting event or troop event while intoxicated will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion from the Troop. 

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Advancement Request Policy

All Scouts wishing to advance in rank must submit an Advancement Review form to the Scoutmaster to be considered for a Scoutmaster Conference.  Scoutmaster Conferences will be held in the order in which Advancement Review forms are received.  Boards of Review, when required, will be conducted in the order received following a passed Scoutmaster Conference. 

Advancement is conducted in accordance with the Advancement requirements of the BSA which can be found at

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Camp Fund Policy

“A Scout is thrifty.  A Scout works to pay his way and to help others.  He saves for the future. … Paying your way with money you have earned gives you independence and pride.”

A Camp Fund is an account that is set up on the troop’s books for an individual Scout.  It consists of credits awarded to Scouts for participation in fundraising activities.  Credits are awarded at the discretion of the Troop Committee.   

Camp Fund credits are posted to each Scout’s account based on his participation in certain troop fundraisers.  Each credit is worth one dollar towards elective activities.  Scouts may save up credits and then use them to defer the cost of elective activities.  Elective activities are in addition to the core troop program and include summer camp, high adventure trips, whitewater canoeing, the annual troop trip, jamborees, etc.

Camp Fund credits belong to Troop 75 and may not be redeemed for cash, to purchase gear, or to pay the annual troop activity fee, dues, or any other expense associated with core troop activities. 

Camp Fund credits reward an individual Scout’s participation.  Camp Fund credits may not be transferred to another Scout with the exception of a transfer between siblings.  A transfer between siblings may only take place when the transferring Scout leaves the Scouting program or ages out of Scouting.  The Scout himself must authorize the use or transfer of his Camp Fund credits.  For purposes of a transfer the word “siblings” shall include step and foster siblings.

Camp Fund credits will be available to the Scout so long as he remains an actively participating member of this troop.  They allow him to participate more fully in Scouting.  Credits are not cash and are not the property of the individual Scout.  Credits are forfeited if the Scout leaves Troop 75 before taking full advantage of this opportunity.  Unused Camp Fund credits revert to the troop: a) after the Scout has been off the troop charter for a year and has not requested a sibling transfer within that year, or b) if the Scout does not register as an adult leader with Troop 75 or has not requested a sibling transfer following his eighteenth birthday.

A Scout who has Camp Fund credits on his eighteenth birthday may use his remaining credits so long as he registers as an adult leader with Troop 75 and remains active in that capacity.  Camp Fund credits may not be earned by anyone past their eighteenth birthday. 

If a Scout transfers to another unit of the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 75 will forward his remaining Camp Fund credits to the new unit provided that such unit has a Camp Fund credit program and an officer of the new unit makes a written request for the credits within six months of the Scout leaving Troop 75.  Use of the credits will then be governed by the policies of the unit to which the Scout transferred. No credits will be transferred out of the troop once the Scout has reached the age of 18 and is now considered an Adult leader.

A Scout who uses Camp Fund credits towards an elective activity is requesting that the Troop pay for part of such activity with funds belonging to the Troop.  Should an event be cancelled through no fault of the Scout, then the Scout shall be recredited all Camp Fund credits.  Should a Scout drop out from or cancel his participation in an elective activity all refunds for such activity shall first be applied to reimburse the Troop for any fees, costs, etc. paid by the Troop on behalf of such Scout and the Troop shall recredit the Camp Fund with credits equal to the amounts reimbursed to the Troop.  For example,  if a Scout uses Camp Funds for partial payment of an activity and the Scout’s (or parent’s) own funds for the remaining part of the payment, the Troop shall be reimbursed first, in a dollar amount up to the amount of credits used by the Scout, before any reimbursement directly to the Scout or Parent, such that if part of the fees paid are non-refundable, the Scout or Parent will be directly responsible for such non-refundable portion of the payment and may not utilize Scout credits to pay for such non-refundable portion.   

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Patrol Meetings & Activities

Adult supervision of patrol meetings

At least one parent of a patrol member (or one registered Troop 75 adult leader) must be present in the home or meeting site at all times throughout the patrol meeting to provide unobtrusive supervision.   

Parents are encouraged to welcome the patrol, communicate any house rules, immediately address any misbehavior that goes beyond what the Patrol Leader can handle, and bring any such misconduct to the Scoutmaster's attention.  However, adult supervisors are requested to minimize their presence and involvement at meetings, giving the Patrol Leader and members full opportunity to work out how to accomplish their objectives together.  Parental concerns about patrol leadership or functioning should be directed to the Scoutmaster, not the Patrol Leader. 

One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is not permitted.  If a Scout must be spoken with privately, such meeting must be conducted in view of others.

Reporting requirement for patrol meetings:

In order for a patrol to be allowed to meet outside of the troop meetings, it must routinely report on its patrol meetings to the Scoutmaster.  The Patrol Leader, or preferably the Patrol Scribe, must prepare a written report of each patrol meeting, including meeting time and place, members in attendance, adult supervisor(s) present, and business conducted. Any patrol that does not meet this requirement will not be permitted to meet as a patrol outside of troop meetings until the Scoutmaster determines that such meetings may resume.

 Approval requirement for other patrol activities:

Patrol activities, other than meetings, must be approved in advance by the Scoutmaster and not interfere with any troop function.

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Reimbursement Policy for Driving Expenses

Driving Expenses will not be reimbursed for driving to and from any activity within the counties of Nassau and Suffolk.  Driving Expenses will not be reimbursed if you are only driving your own Scout(s) and/or family members to any scouting activities.  Driving Expenses will not be reimbursed for any Family Activities. Family Activities are activities and outings at which families and/or friends not in the Scouting program are invited to participate.

Driving Expenses will be reimbursed for any troop-related trips that are outside the counties of Nassau and Suffolk, which are not Family Activities and for which you drove at least two Scouts other than your family members.

To be reimbursed for a troop-related driving expense (gas, tolls, etc.), the driver must submit his or her receipt(s) to the Troop Committee no more than 30 days after the date of the expense.  After 30 days, any such expense will be considered a donation to the troop's operating fund.

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Good Standing Policy

It is established as part of the Troop program that for a Scout to be able to have Individual Advancement he must be “in Good Standing” with the Troop. A Scout is considered in “good standing” with his unit as long as he has not been dismissed for disciplinary reasons. He must also be in good standing with the local council and the Boy Scouts of America. (In the rare case he is not, communications will have been delivered.)

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Equipment Policy

Use of Equipment:

All troop supplied equipment is to be signed out by the assigned Scout or Scouts.  The Scout or Scouts assigned to the equipment shall be responsible for the use, cleaning and return of the equipment.  Equipment is to be returned promptly at the next regularly scheduled troop meeting following the activity at which the equipment is used.  Any failure to return the equipment within two weeks of use will be considered lost equipment subject to reimbursement. 

Food in Tent Policy:

Absolutely no food is allowed in the troop supplied tents.  This is for the safety of all Scouts.  Our Scouts tent in many wilderness areas shared with wildlife.  Food leaves a scent on the tent (even if you think the tent is thoroughly cleaned) and can lead to animal attacks.  Any tent in which food has been brought will be considered damaged equipment by the troop and the troop will require reimbursement from the assigned Scout or Scouts for the replacement of such equipment.    

Damaged and Lost Equipment:

While equipment may be damaged from time to time due to reasonable wear and use, if it is determined that damage was caused by the purposeful misuse or mishandling of equipment, the Scout or Scouts responsible shall reimburse the Troop for the replacement of the equipment.  A Scout will also be required to reimburse the Troop for equipment that is lost or that is not returned to the Troop in a timely manner.

Replacement and Suspension from Elective Activities

Any equipment requiring replacement pursuant to this policy shall not be subject to any credit for depreciation but shall be replaced at the cost of a new replacement for such equipment.

The failure to return equipment or reimburse the Troop for equipment lost or damaged in violation of these Policies will result in the suspension of the Scout from participating in overnight and elective activities until such time as the equipment is returned or the replacement charge reimbursed.

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Email Group Usage Guidelines

The Troop has established a set of guidelines, for any adult leaders or parents who have access to Troop email groups, including those who can email the Troop as a whole. These guidelines are to ensure that such email groups are used appropriately for communicating and conducting Troop business. 

Please click here for a PDF copy of the Email Guidelines  

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Participation Policy   

Our Troop, and certain rank advancements, require a Scout to be an active member of the Troop.  For purposes of Troop 75, a member is considered “active” if they participate in the Troop’s Core Events.  Core Events include all troop meetings as well as the day hikes, parades, community services, service projects, fundraising activities and weekend overnights of the troop, and include participation in District wide activities such as the Polar Bear/Klondike, Webelos Woods, Food Drives and Flag Placement.  Core Events do not include elective activities such as summer camp, high adventure trips, whitewater canoeing, the annual troop trip, jamborees, and family outings.  Our troop holds Troop meetings on most Tuesdays between September and June, and holds an average of one or two other Core Events per month during the school year.  Core Events and Troop meetings are clearly marked as such on the Troop Website Calendar.

We expect our Scouts to participate in all troop meetings and other Core Events when they are able. At a minimum, we expect our Scouts to miss no more than one troop meeting per month, and to participate in at least six other Core Events throughout the year.     

In accordance with BSA guidelines, “If a young man has fallen below his unit’s activity oriented expectations, then it must be due to other positive endeavors—in or out of Scouting—or due to noteworthy circumstances that have prevented a higher level of participation.”  If a Scout believes he has met this alternate guideline, he will be expected to explain so at his Scoutmaster conference to advance.

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Uniform Policy

Scouts are expected to attend all Troop meetings and activities in Class A uniform unless told otherwise.

The Class A uniform consists of: Scout long-sleeved or short-sleeved shirt, Scout pants or shorts, Scout belt and buckle, Scout socks (when visible – e.g. with shorts), neckerchief, slide and beret.  

If Class A uniforms are not required, Scouts are expected to attend activities in Class B uniforms.  The Class B uniform consists of the Troop T-Shirt, or other Troop logoed shirt, Scout pants or shorts and Scout socks (when visible – e.g. with shorts).   

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Proper Dress and Preparation for Outdoor Activities

Scouts must “be prepared” for all outdoor activities. Hiking boots must be worn on all hikes and overnight campouts.  Proper winter gear must be worn on the district polar bear campout and other winter activities. Proper changes of clothing, including rain gear, must be packed for all hikes and overnight campouts.  Proper dress and packing for such activities is routinely gone over with the Scouts by the troop leadership, however, each Scout is personally responsible for his own packing and preparation for activities. Scouts will be spot checked for proper preparation.  If your Scout is not prepared for an activity, he will not be allowed to attend the activity.  If, during the course of an activity, it is discovered that your Scout is not prepared, you will be asked to pick up your Scout from such activity.                  

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Payment Policy - Fundraisers and Elective Activities 

Each fundraiser and elective activity will have their own requirements for payment.  For example, a fund raiser may require your payment at the time of the placement of your order or at the time of delivery and elective activities may have certain deadlines for the submissions of forms, deposits and final payments.  Such payments and forms are expected to be handed in on time.  The failure to submit your payment and forms in a timely manner will result in your Scout losing the right to participate in that activity.  This includes failure submit forms, make deposits and make all other payments when due for the Troop trip(s) and summer camp. For fundraisers (plant sales, Christmas fundraiser, etc.) failure to submit payments on time will result in suspension of participation in troop activities until such payment is made.  Please remit all payments and forms in a timely manner and in accordance with the deadlines given.                  

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Committee Open Door Policy

The Troop 75 Committee has adopted these policies with the best interests of our Scouts in mind and to ensure the fair and equal treatment of all Scouts within our troop.  We are always open to discuss these policies and any other questions you have concerning the Troop 75 program with you and usually have members available in the Committee Room at most troop meetings.  However, we do request that if there is a sign on the door asking you to refrain from entering, to please respect such sign, as we are usually conducting a board of review for a Scout.                           

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